


Do you agree or disagree that online course is as effective as traditional course?


Do you think the library should be a place for students to read books quietly or have discussion with others?


Some people like to shop in large department stores or supermarkets to buy all things they need.Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops to buy one specific item at a time.Which do you prefer?Explain why.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that school should limit the time that student doing part-time jobs in school?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Schools should require students to complete physical fitness tests before graduation?


Which teachers courses would you like to take? Explain why? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice. a teacher who is humorous in class, a teacher who is serious in class


Some managers tend to check workers task closely or frequently,while others tend to check them rarely or causally.Which is better for the management?


Some people prefer to travel to some new places that they have never been;others prefer to travel to places that they have been before.Which do you prefer and why?


Some people prefer to make friends with people who share similar ages while other people prefer to make friends with people from different age groups.Which one do you agree?Why?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly know about a county, it is necessary to learn a major language of this country.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.


Do you agree or disagree that the determining factor of a students success in school is the amount of intelligence?


Do you like to hold a party by yourself or just join a party?


Some companies have recently started to give their employees more extra time to socialize or do nonwork activities during the workday.The theory is that this will increase productivity.Do you agree or disagree?


Some people prefer to buy a product as soon as it is in the market.Other people prefer to purchase a product when it has been in the market for some time. Which do you prefer and why?


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students can learn more online than in traditional classrooms?


Imagine that you and your friends are going to hang out,and you guys need to decide where to go.Who do you think should make the decision? You make it, or you and your friends make it together? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.


It is important for a child to spend a short period of time living far away from home, visiting relatives and friends.


The school is going to open the library to the general public and charge some fee if citizens need to borrow some books.Do you think its a good idea or not?


Some parents think they should prevent their children from making mistakes.Some think they should let them make mistake.Which one do you think is better?


Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities,one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but its expensive,while another is less well-know,but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer,explain why?


Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking,sewing and taking care of children?


Some people think students should learn mathematics when they study in colleges, while others think only those students who need it in the future should learn mathematics in colleges.Which one do you prefer and why?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Art and music students should also learn math and science classes.Use details and examples to support your opinion.


Do you think agree or disagree with the statement:boss should maintain close relationship with employees?


Do you agree or disagree that children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible?


When students are reading,some choose the books from the reading list their schools give.Other choose books by themselves.Which do you prefer?


Do you think the school should let two teachers take turn to teach one class?


Task 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldnt send personal text or emails during work hours.Explain why.

2020年11月1日Task 1

Do you agree with the statement that the best way to know a country is to watch its TV program?


Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities,one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but its expensive,while another is less well-know,but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer,explain why?


Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking,sewing and taking care of children?


Some people think students should learn mathematics when they study in colleges, while others think only those students who need it in the future should learn mathematics in colleges.Which one do you prefer and why?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Art and music students should

also learn math and science classes.Use details and examples to support your opinion.


Do you think agree or disagree with the statement: boss should maintain close relationship with employees?


Do you agree or disagree that children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible?


When students are reading,some choose the books from the reading list their schools give.Other choose books by themselves.Which do you prefer?


Do you think the school should let two teachers take turn to teach one class?

2020年10月31日Task 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldnt send personal text or emails during work hours.Explain why.

2020年11月1日Task 1

Do you agree with the statement that the best way to know a country is to watch its TV program?


Do you agree or disagree with the school policy that in order to improve the writing skills,all first-year students should be required to take writing courses which involve writing several essays as requirement?

2020年11月8日Task 1

Should parents discourage children from choosing some majors which might be very competitive to find a job in the future?


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that roommates must be good friends? 2020年11月15日

In order to improve students grade, do you think the university should give students a lot of homework?


Some people think group games helps students study,while others think they disturb students study.Which one do you agree with?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Good teachers admit when they have made a mistake or do not know something.


1.Some people think that it is an essential part of a childs education to go on field trips,for example,to a museum or the zoo. Others think a childs time is better spent learning in a classroom.Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

2.Imagine you have been offered two jobs in the same field with similar salaries and benefits.One is with a large,well established company with a good reputation.The other is with a small startup company that has just opened.Which job would you choose,and why?

3.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that older people should take fewer risks and less adventure comparing to young people?

4When people travel,some enjoy visiting places they have never been to before. Other people prefer to return to places they have already been to.Which do you prefer?

5.Do you think learning about the history of your ancestors is very important?

6.Do you like to select a wide range of courses to study or only focus on your major?

7.Do you agree or disagree that children do not learn anything valuable from video games?

8.Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams,while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you1 think is more effective for students to learn.

9.Choose between two dorms,one is a new dorm,the other one is a dorm that has lived with some famous alumni.

10.Some people prefer to make friends with people who share similar ages while other people prefer to make friends with people from different age groups.Which one do you agree? Why?

11.Do you think rich people should use their money to help the poor?

12.Do you think that parents should encourage their children to be more popular in school?

13.Suppose your sociology professor has asked all students in you class to do a final project-making a presentation,There are two ways to make the presentation in class to record the presentation as a video file in advance and show the video in class later or give the presentation in class in person directly. Which way do you think would be better and why?

14.Which teachers courses would you like to take? Explain why? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice. a teacher who is humorous in class; a teacher who is serious in class

15.School shouldnt allow young students to use calculator during exam.Do you agree or disagree?

16.Some people like to work or study to make themselves busy,some people like to do entertainment activities in their spare time,which do you like?

17.Some people like to begin working on a project or an assignment long time before it is due.Others prefer waiting until the last minute to begin working on a project or an assignment.which do you prefer and why?

18.To get more credits and a degree early,a student should be permitted to take additional courses in each semester?

19.To be successful in life we should make enemies

20.Do you agree with the following statement: people perform better under pressure?

21.Do you agree that children must go to school until 16 years old?

22.The school is going to limit the number of the clubs and organizations that every student can attend, in order to let them focus more on their academic study.Do you think this is a good idea or not?

23.If your teacher give you and other students a group project, would you like to communicate with other group members online to do the project, or would you like to work on the project with them in person? Why?

24.Some people prefer to spend their spare time with their friends;Others prefer to do some things in their spare time. In which way would you like to spend your spare time?Why?

25.Some people when they have time,prefer to travel,others want to spend their time at home.

26.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you want to be successful in running a business,you need to maintain good relationship with others.

27.Your university is going to invite some guest speakers to give lectures to students. Some students think that the university should not invite guest speakers with controversial opinions. Other students think that the university should invite a variety of guest speakers, regardless of their opinions. which point of view do you support?

28.You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park.The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space.Do you think this is a good idea?

29.To truly understand a country,it is necessary to leam one of its major languages. 30.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Students should always be allowed to make video recordings of their professors lectures?

31.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Those who use cell phones when they walk should pay a fine.Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

32.Do you agree or disagree :children should help with housework as soon as they are old enough to do so?

33.Some recent university graduates choose to spend a period of time doing volunteer or community service before they start their careers.Others think it is better to start working as soon as possible after graduation. Which view do you agree with?Use details and examples to explain your answer

34.Some companies have recently started to give their employees more extra time to socialize or do nonwork activities during the workday.The theory is that this will increase productivity.Do you agree or disagree?

35.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for students to live with a roommate who is studying the subject. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

36.Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate.However some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study,and they should therefore not be required to take them.Do you agree with these students?Explain why or why not?

37.Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures.Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invented to speak at the university.Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples in your response.

38.Some people think that schools should assign projects and other work for students to complete over vocation,before the beginning of the school year.Others think that schoolwork should only be assigned during the actual academic year Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why using details and examples in your response.

39.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Experienced doctors are better than young doctors.

40.Do you agree or disagree that children should be encouraged to listen or watch the news from an early stage?

41.Some people believe that doing homework is not helpful for younger children and that it should be given only to older students.Others believe that homework should be assigned to children of all ages Which point of view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

42.Imagine that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments.The first apartment is within walking distance to campus but the rent is a little expensive.The second apartment is farther away from campus but the rent is more affordable which apartment do you think is better? Explain why. 43.Some people think that,when moving to a new country,they should adapt to the cultural habits and traditions of the new country.Other people prefer to keep their original habits and traditions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why,using details and examples in your response.

44.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Peoples social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased.Explain why.Use specific details and examples in your response.

45.Imagine that you have been offered two new jobs in the same field.One of the jobs requires you to work regular hours at the companys office.For the other job, you would work from home and have more flexible hours.Which of the jobs would you prefer?Explain why,using details and examples.

46.Some people prefer to shop regularly at a store that is close and convenient to them,even though it might be expensive. Others prefer to shop regularly at a store with the lowest prices, even if it is far away.Which do you prefer?Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

47.Some people enjoy participating in performances such as theatrical plays or musical concerts.Others prefer to be in the audience watching the performance. Which do you prefer?Use reasons and details in your response.

48.Some people prefer to work in a company where they have the independence to complete tasks and work out solutions to problems on their own. Others prefer to work in an environment where they are told exactly what they need to do.Which work situation would you prefer and why?

49.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because of the increasing popularity of entertainment technology fewer people are taking the time to read books for pleasure.Use details and examples to support your opinion.

50.People should spend time reading the news every day in order to know what Is happening In other countries around the world.
