
2023-07-26 托福獨立口語真題 (下午)

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should discourage their children from pursuing careers in competitive fields where success is not likely, such as professional sports or entertainment.

2023-07-26 托福獨立口語真題 (上午)

  • When visiting an art museum, some people prefer to go with their friends or colleagues and discuss the works of art. Others prefer to go alone so they can view and think about the works of art by themselves. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

2023-07-23 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments during a course to do bonus assignments in order to improve their overall course grade. Do you think this is a good idea?

2023-07-22 托福獨立口語真題 (上午)

  • Some people like participating in performances like theatrical or musical shows. Others prefer to be an audience watching those plays. Which do you prefer?

2023-07-15 托福獨立口語真題 (下午)

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some people believe that old people should not take risks and participate in adventurous events as young people.

2023-07-15 托福獨立口語真題 (上午)

  • Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities. One is well-known for its excellent academic programs, but it’s expensive. The other one is less well-known, but it offers you scholarship that you can use to pay off your tuition fees. Which university would you prefer? Explain why.

2023-07-12 托福獨立口語真題

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities such as musicians and athletes are good role models for young people.

2023-07-09 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer?

2023-07-08 托福獨立口語真題 (下午)

  • Do you prefer to live in a noisy area with a lot of supermarkets and restaurants or a quiet area far away from the city centre with no shops around?

2023-07-08 托福獨立口語真題 (上午)

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If a coworker violates company policies, we should report it to the supervisor.

2023-07-04 托福獨立口語真題

  • Do you prefer to be taught by experienced teachers or new teachers?

2023-06-28 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some secondary schools require students to attend study hall, which is a free class period during the school day in which students can work on class assignments or simply rest. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

2023-06-20 托福獨立口語真題

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should require students to attend cultural events such as visiting an art museum to see an exhibition.

2023-06-14 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people would like to borrow money when making a big purchase. Others prefer to save money until they can afford it. Which do you think is better?

2023-06-10 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some professors don’t meet students during office hours. Instead, they ask students to send emails. Do you think this is a good idea?

2023-06-04 托福獨立口語真題

  • When going on vacations, some people prefer to go camping and live in tents. Others prefer to stay in a hotel. Which do you prefer?

2023-06-03 托福獨立口語真題 (下午)

  • Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery, while others consider these activities foolish. What do you think? [重複2022.05.21上午]

2023-06-03 托福獨立口語真題 (下午)

  • Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery, while others consider these activities foolish. What do you think? [重複2022.05.21上午]

2023-06-03 托福獨立口語真題 (上午)

  • Some people think it is better to study in classrooms, while others believe that field trips are more useful. Which do you agree with and why?

2023-05-31 托福獨立口語真題

  • If you have a chance to choose a job, would you choose one with a high salary or one that gives you personal satisfaction?

2023-05-23 托福獨立口語真題

  • You need to take a history class as part of your graduation requirements. You have two choices. In both classes, the professor assigns grades to students’ research papers. But in one of the classes, students need to read others’ papers and provide feedback. Would you take this class?

2023-05-20 托福獨立口語真題(下午)

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One needs to have good teachers to learn new knowledge or skills.

2023-05-20 托福獨立口語真題(上午)

  • When having troubles with their schoolwork, some students like to form a study group to discuss with other students who have the same problems. Other students choose to hire a tutor who specializes in that area to help them. Which do you prefer?

2023-05-13 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people think that schools should assign homework to students during holidays. Others don’t think it is necessary. What do you think?

2023-05-10 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments during a course to do bonus assignments in order to improve their overall course grade. Do you think this is a good idea?

2023-05-6 托福獨立口語真題

  • Your university is planning to invite guest speakers to give lectures. Some think that the university should not invite those with controversial opinions. Others think the university should invite a variety of guest speakers regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you support? [重複2023.03.18 AM & 2022.12.07]

2023-04-29 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some adults believe that young people have become excessively dependent on or even addicted to electronic devices and should try to use them less. Do you agree with this point of view? Explain why or why not.

2023-04-26 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people think that college students should take more general education courses; others think that college students should take courses that give them professional training. Which one do you prefer and why?

2023-04-18 托福獨立口語真題

  • Imagine you have been offered two jobs. One pays a very high salary but requires you to go on a lot of business trips. The other offers a lower salary but with no business trips. Which do you prefer?

2023-04-15 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people like to finish their daily tasks slowly and carefully; others prefer to do their tasks quickly. Which way do you prefer?

2023-04-15 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people like to finish their daily tasks slowly and carefully; others prefer to do their tasks quickly. Which way do you prefer?

Personally, I prefer to take my time and finish tasks slowly and carefully. One of the reasons I prefer this approach is that it allows me to focus on the details and produce high-quality work. By taking my time, I can review my work, identify mistakes, and make corrections before submitting it. This ensures that my work is accurate and meets the requirements. Another reason I prefer this approach is that it reduces my stress and anxiety levels. When I work on tasks slowly and carefully, I don’t have to worry about rushing to meet deadlines. This gives me a sense of calm and allows me to focus on the task at hand.

2023-04-01 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some people think employees should complete their work as perfectly as possible; other people think people should try to do more work. Which do you agree with?

Personally, I think it’s important for employees to strive for both quality and quantity in their work. While completing work perfectly is important, it’s also important to be productive and efficient. Employers often have high expectations for their employees and want to see results in a timely manner. Striving for both quality and quantity can help employees meet these expectations and excel in their jobs. In my own experience, I have found that setting realistic goals and prioritizing tasks has helped me strike a balance between completing work perfectly and doing more work.

2023-03-28 托福獨立口語真題

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Students from the same major make better dormmates than students from different majors.

I disagree with this statement. While students from the same major may have similar academic interests and coursework, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will make better dormmates. In fact, living with someone who has a different major can be a great opportunity to learn about different subjects and broaden your perspective. Living with someone who has different interests and experiences can also help you grow as a person and make your college experience more enriching. Ultimately, it’s important to focus on finding a roommate who is respectful, responsible, and compatible with your lifestyle.

2023-03-25 托福獨立口語真題

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People can learn a skill better when they teach others this skill.

I agree with this statement. Teaching others a skill can help reinforce your own understanding and mastery of the skill. It requires you to break down the steps and explain them in a way that others can understand, which can help you identify areas where you may still need to improve. Additionally, teaching others a skill can be a great way to practice communication and interpersonal skills. When you teach someone else, you are forced to be patient and understanding, which can help you become a better collaborator and team player.

2023-03-18 托福獨立口語真題

Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with?

I believe that universities should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Universities are meant to be a place where diverse perspectives and ideas can be shared and debated. By excluding speakers with controversial opinions, we risk limiting the free exchange of ideas and missing out on opportunities to challenge our own beliefs and biases. At the same time, it’s important to ensure that speakers are respectful and don’t engage in hate speech or discrimination. Universities should strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students and staff, while still promoting intellectual curiosity and debate.

2023-03-08 托福獨立口語真題

  • Some college students choose a course of study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering. Others choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history that will give them more general knowledge. Which do you think is better? (重複2020.12.06原題)


  • When it comes to scheduling classes, some students prefer to have a break between classes to relax, others like to have a long break when all classes are over. Which do you prefer?
  • When it comes to scheduling classes, which way would you prefer:
    • have a break between classes
    • have classes without a break so you can have a long break when all classes are over Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.


  • Some students like having a teacher who supervises them closely and frequently checks their work. Others prefer having a teacher who lets them work on their own and only occasionally checks their work. Which do you prefer? Explain why.(重複2020年11月家考原題)


  • Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree? Why?(重複2017.7.01原題)


  • 上午場:Some people prefer to live in many different places throughout their lives, while others prefer to stay and live in one place throughout their lives. Which do you prefer and why?
  • 下午場:When learning new things, some students prefer to learn new things by reading textbooks. While other students prefer to learn new things by listening to lectures. Which way do you prefer and why?


  • Some people like to listen to music on headphones while they go from one place to another. Others prefer going from place to place in silence. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


  • Some people believe that students should memorize some important historical data such as the names and dates of historical events; while other people believe that it is not necessary for students to memorize those factual information because they can easily find such information on the Internet. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why. (重複2022.06.04原題)


  • Many college students have part-time jobs. Some take classes during the day and work evenings and weekends. Others work during the day and take classes in the evening. Which do you think is better? Explain why. (重複2022.06.04下午場原題)


  • Some people think that universities should require all students to study at least one humanity subject, such as philosophy or literature, while some students who major in science and maths think that there’s no need for them to study these subjects. What do you think?(重複2022.09.24下午場原題)


  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should require students to participate regularly in class discussions.