
2016.1.9 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that celebrities like musician, athletes or performers can set good examples for young people?

2016.1.23 Task2

Some people believe that it is the innate talents make a person an artist. While others think that it is the efforts a person put in that make the person an artist. Which do you prefer and why?

2016.1.24 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that experienced teachers is a deciding factor to the success of a school?

2016.2.27 Task2

Do you like to make a plan with friends about social activities in advance or plan it when you attend it?

2016.2.28 Task2

Agree or disagree that schools who encourage the development of students’ creativity and imagination are likely to have more successful students? Use specific examples and details to explain your idea.

2016.3.11 Task2

It is important to maintain good relationship with family members than with friends. Do you agree or disagree? why?

2016.3.13 Task2

Which one of the two patterns would help people to know each other better, meeting at the first sight or through long-term relationship?

2016.3.19 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible.

2016.3.26 Task2同 2015.05.30 Task2

Some people prefer to have independent jobs, some prefer to work in groups, Which do you prefer?

2016.4.9 Task2

Leaving some time for group discussion in class is beneficial for study .Do you agree or not?

2016.4.23 Task2

Some people prefer to spend lots of money on vacation. some people would spend little money on vacation. Which do you prefer and why?

2016.5.7 Task2

Some college students like to join clubs and enjoy club activities, others like to spend their time studying another courses or doing school work. Which one do you think is better and why?

2016.5.22 Task2

Some people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to being formed ahead of the visit. Which one do you prefer?

2016.5.28 Task2

Do you agree or disagree the following statement? People should retire after 65.

2016.5.29 Task2

Do you think it is a good idea for parents to give kids monetary reward if they have good grades in school. Please include details and examples in your explanation.



Some managers like to closely watch their employees while others prefer to give them more freedom which do you think is more effective.

2016.6.18 Task2

Your professor is asking you to help with some research work on the weekend, but you have planned to go to your sister’ s birthday party. Which would you choose to do? Explain why?

2016.6.25 Task2

Your community has been donated a piece of land, should it be used to build an amusement center or grow plant and flowers?

2016.7.2 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experienced doctors are better than young doctors.

2016.7.3 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s impolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Explain in details.

2016.7.9 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that college students are easier to teach than primary school students? Please use specific reasons and details to support you opinion.

2016.7.10 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that it is important to learn the history where you live.

2016.7.16 Task2

Do you think it is a good thing or not to change one’ s appearance through plastic surgery?

2016.8.20 Task2

Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

2016.8.21 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with following statement? If you want to succeed in business being outgoing and friendly is very important.


Task2同2015.01.31 Task2

Do you agree or disagree, children should learn to draw or paint?

2016.9.3 Task2

Which one do you prefer? To buy the newly-released e-product as soon as possible or to wait for a while and buy it.

2016.9.10 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that students would learn more if the teachers assign them with more schoolwork?

2016.9.11 Task2

which do you prefer when you were a child, playing indoors or outdoors?

2016.9.24 Task2

Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day, while others take exercise or go to gym when they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

2016.9.25 Task2同:2015.12.19 Task2

Some people prefer to finish the assignment a long time before the due date while others prefer finishing assignment right before the due date. Which one do you prefer?

2016.10.15 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees?

2016.10.16 Task2同:2015.12.13 Task2

Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?

2016.10.22 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government should not allow the violence and bad language in TV program.

2016.10.28 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it’ s more important to spend time with family than to spend time simply on study or working.

2016.10.29 Task2

Which do you prefer: taking classes in the morning or in the afternoon?

2016.11.5 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the best way to know a country is to watch its TV program?

2016.11.12 Task2

When you start a job in the future, do you prefer to run your own business or work in a company?

2016.11.13 Task2

Do you prefer to buy new books or used books? Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.

2016.11.19 Task2

Which do you prefer: people are never too old to get a university degree?

2016.11.26 Task2

If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friend’s party on the weekend?

2016.12.3 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that young children should stay with relatives and friends for a short period of time?

2016.12.10 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that to succeed we need to make enemies?

2016.12.11 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: if children play sports a lot, they will be aggressive in life.

2016.12.17 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn skills like cooking, sewing and caring for others?
