
2017.1.7 Task2
Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?

2017.1.14 Task2

Someone chooses to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

2017.2.18 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.

2017.2.25 Task2

Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why?


Some students think that they are graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

2017.3.4 Task2

If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?

2017.3.11 Task2

You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?

2017.3.25 Task2

Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer?

2017.4.1 Task2

Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-know, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer, explain why.

2017.4.15 Task2

Some students prefer to study for exam in the night other students prefer to study in the day, which do you prefer, explain why.

2017.4.23 Task2
If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience.

2017.5.6 Task2 同:2016.05.28 Task2

All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65.Do you agree or disagree?

2017.5.13 Task2同:2016.07.16 Task2

Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.

2017.5.20 Task2

Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.

2017.5.27 Task2

You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?

2017.6.3 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?

2017.6.10 Task2

Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?


Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

2017.7.1 Task2

Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree? Why?

2017.7.2 Task2

Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree? Why?

2017.7.8 Task2

Female and male university students should have separate residence halls. Do you agree or disagree?

2017.7.15 Task2同:2016.12.11 Task2

Children participating in sports games will become aggressive when they grow up. Do you agree or disagree?

2017.8.26 Task2

Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?

2017.8.27 Task2同:2015.12.13 Task2& 2016.10.16 Task2

Some universities except the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second or the third year before students deciding to choose a major field of study. Which do you prefer? Why or why not?

2017.9.9 Task2

Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or musical show. Others prefer to be in audience watching those plays. Which do you prefer?

2017.9.16 Task2

Some people think with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary.

Which one do you agree?

2017.9.17 Task2

In order to encourage healthy eating, schools increase prices for junk food and offer more fruits and vegetables. What do you think about it?

2017.9.24 Task2

Your city is considering a law to make people pay a fine if they use their cell phones at the same time they are walking across streets and intersections. Do you think it is a good idea? Explain why or why not.

2017.9.30 Task2

Participating in team sports is a good way for young person to learn team cooperation, do you agree or disagree?

2017.10.14Task2同:2016.10.22 Task2

Should government limit violence and bad language on television?

2017.10.15 Task2

Children may be unwilling to learn an instrument because of continuous practice, what should parents do?
A. Forcing children to learn
B. Making children decide whether to learn by themselves

2017.10.21 Task2

Some people prefer to purchase objects such as clothes or electricity. While others prefer to spend money on vacation or concert. Which one do you prefer?

2017.10.28 Task2同:2016.12.03 Task2

Do you think it’ s necessary for children’ s growth for them to live far away from home and stay with relatives or friends for short periods of time?

2017.10.29 Task2同:2015.04.18 Task2

Some people prefer to resolve problems with friends directly face to face or on the phone, some others prefer to resolve problems by writing, sending E-mail or text message .your opinion?

2017.11.4 Task2

When giving feedbacks to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person, while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?

2017.11.11 Task2

Some managers tend to check worker’ s task closely or frequently, while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?

2017.11.12 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good teachers admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.

2017.11.18 Task2

The school is going to record the lecture of the film class and release it on the website the next day.Do you think it’ s a good idea? Explain why.

2017.11.25 Task2

Do you agree or disagree the more gifted students learn better?

2017.11.26 Task2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Class assignments that are handed in after the deadline should always receive lower grades.

2017.12.2 Task2

Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a university in a new town?

2017.12.9 Task2

Some people like to use smartphone or other navigational device to guide their road while traveling, some prefer to ask around, which do you like to do?

2017.12.10 Task2

Do you agree or disagree that it’s harder to save money than it was in the past?

2017.12.16 Task2

Schools shouldn’t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree?

2017.12.17 Task2
Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?
