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1.salty 傷心

2.no cap 不開玩笑

3.shady 有貓膩,表面一套背後一套

4.tripping 瘋了,嗨了

5.Are you joking?你是在逗我嗎?

6.Really cheap.真心便宜

7.There you are.就在那裡

8.Go to the toilet.去廁所

9.Going out and getting drunk.出去玩,喝到醉

10.the dog' s bollocks 最好的【bollocks 胡說】

11.fell arse over tit 跌得不輕

12.donkey's years很長一段時間

13.cheap as chips 便宜到沒朋友。

14.liquid lunch 午餐喝酒不吃飯

15.not cricket 不對的,不公平的。

16.see a man about a dog 去了一個神秘的地方,通常指洗手間

17.playing gooseberry 充當電燈泡【gooseberry 鵝莓】

18.Bob's your uncle 就到(那裡)了。

19.crunch time 關鍵時刻

20.days are numbered 時日有限

21.call time 宣布暫停

22.Raining Cats And Dogs 傾盆大雨

23.Caught Red-Handed 做壞事遺個正著

24.Cold Feet 缺乏自信

25.Bury The Hatchet 握手言和

26.Cat Got Your Tongue 不合時宜的沉默

27.miss the boat 錯失良機

28.kill two birds with one stone 一箭雙鵰

29.add insult to injury 雪上加霜

30.cat nap 打瞌睡

31.bark up the wrong tree 攻擊錯了目標

32.curiosity killed the cat 好奇害死了貓

33.a piece of cake 小菜一碟

34.spill the beans 洩露秘密

35.a big fish 大人物

36.couch potato 極為懶惰的人

37.Steal someone's thunder 搶了某人的風頭

38.Play to the gallery 嘩眾取寵

39.By the skin of my teeth 死裡逃生

40.Cock and bull story 無稽之談

41.airhead 傻蛋


43.rip off 宰客

44.turn-on 誘惑

45.up for it 願意做某事

46.wicked 非常好

47.an eye for eye 以牙還牙

48.have bedroom eye有一雙性感的眼睛

49.an eye for something 對某物有鑑賞力

50.eye someone 細看某人,打量某人

51.have eyes bigger than ones stomach 眼饞肚飽

52.four—eyes 四眼(對戴眼鏡者的貶稱)

53.give someone a black eye 把某人打鼻青眼腫

54.make goo-goo eyes at someone 對人拋媚眼

55.green-eyed monster 嫉妒心

56.in a pigs eye 胡說,廢話

57.keep ones eyes peeled 留心,警惕

58.see eye-to-eye 看法一致

59.be all ears 聚精會神地所,洗耳恭聽

60.bend someone ear 與某人喋喋不休

61.blow it out ones ear 胡說八道

62.chew someones ear off 對某人喋喋不休

63.have an ear for music 有音樂方面的天賦

64.fall on deaf ears和沒有心思的人說話;沒被理睬

65.good ear 辨別聲音

66.keep ones ear to the ground 注意聽

67.perk up ones ear 引起注意,堅起耳朵

68.play by ear 聽過歌曲後,不看樂譜而憑記憶演奏

69.put a bug in someones ear 事先給某人暗示;警告某人

70.talk someones ear off因喋喋不休而惹怒某人

71.as plain as the nose on ones face 一目了然,顯而易見

72. keep ones nose to the grindstone 埋頭苦幹,勤奮工作

73.Its on skin off my nose 與我毫無關係

74.take a nose dive 突然衰弱,突然變弱

75.have a nose for finding something 善於發現某事物

76.nose out 以微弱的優勢打敗對手,險勝

77.get ones nose in the air媚上傲下的,自負的

78.pay though the nose to 花很多錢

79.poke ones nose in someones business 干預某人的事物,管閒事

80.right under ones nose 顯而易見的,一目了然

81.turn ones nose up at someone or something 拒絕某人或某事

82.bad-mouth someone 說某人壞說,撒布流言蜚語

83.big—mouth 多嘴的人,喋喋不休的

84.down in the mouth 神情沮喪的,垂頭喪氣

85.live hand to-mouth 勉強糊口,勉強維持生活

86.mouth off 傲慢無禮,頂嘴

87.run off at the mouth 滔滔不絕地淡論,沒完沒了

88.shoot off ones mouth 隨便亂說,信口開河 at hand緊迫的,重要的

89.give someone a hand 幫助某人

90.hand it to someone 佩服某人

91.hands down 無疑,當然

92.know something like the back of ones 對某事物了如指掌

93.live hand-to-mouth 毫無積蓄,勉強糊口

94.an old hand at something 做某事的老手,熟手

95.on hand 在手頭,現有

96.out of hand失去控制,無法控制

97.perk up ones ear 引起注意,堅起耳朵

98.I dig you 我喜歡你

99.Knock it off 少來這一套

100.You asked for it 自討苦吃
