
一、Giving opinion/Expressing Opinion 表達觀點:

1.In my opinion/In my view...依我看...

2.My view is that/My point of view is that..我的觀點是...

3.I| reckon/I feel/Personally speaking..我認為/我覺/就我個人而言../As far as I am concerned…就我而言..

4.It seems to me that...在我看來...

5.Well,I would 5.say...嗯,我會說...

6.I would like to point out.我想指出..

7.If you want my opinion..如果你想聽我的意見..

8.The way I look it..在我看來.../As Isee it..在我看來..

9.The point I am trying to make is.我想說的是.

10.l think/believe that...我認為/相信...

11.suppose/presume/would say..我想/假定/會說..

12.I think most people would agree that...我想大多數人都會同意..

13.I believe it is hard to deny that...我相信很難否認這一點...

14.I strongly believe that..我堅信...

15.I think none would deny that...我想沒有人會否認這一點..

二、To repeat a statement/Rephrasing 重述:

1.What I actually meant was..我真正的意思是..

2.To express it another way-換一種方式來表達...

3.Another way to say it.另一種說法..

4.Another way of saying it is..另一種說法是...

5.Let me put it this/another way..讓我這麼說吧...

6.What I mean is..我的意思是..

7.To rephrase what I have just said...把我剛才說的話重新措辭一下..

8.What I want to say is...我想說的是..

9.What I am trying to say is..我想說的是..

三、Agreeing with an opinion 同意觀點:

1.I quite agree.我非常同意

2.I completely agree that..我完全同意...Yes,Indeed..是的,的確如此...

3.I could not agree more...我完全同意...

4.I entirely/totally agree with you on that..在那一點上,我完全同意你的意見..

5.That's exactly how I see it..這正是我的看法...

6.That's exactly what I think/believe...那正是我所想/相信的..


8.You are quite right about...你說得很對...

9.You have just read my mind..你剛剛讀懂了我的心思...

10.Yes,that's obvious...是的,這很明顯...

11.Disagreeing with an opinion 不同意觀點:

12.I possess a different view..我有不同的看法..

13.I must disagree with the view that...我不同意這樣的觀點...

14.I am afraid I believe/see it otherwise...恐怕我不這麼認為/看...

15.This might be true in some context but…這在某些情況下可能是真的,但是…

16.I am inclined to oppose the view that...我傾向於反對這樣的觀點..

17.lam afraid I disagree..恐怕我不同意..Yes,perhaps,but..是的,也許,但是…Well,it depends..嗯,看情況…

18.I see what you mean,but this is not the whole story..我明白你的意思,但這不是事情的全部..

19.Yes,but there is also another aspect to consider...是的,但是還有另外一個方面要考慮.

20.I don't quite agree that...我不太同意這一點...

21.Well,that's one way to look at that,but...這是看待問題的一種方式,但是...

22.I am not quite so sure that...我不太確定...

四、Giving an Example 舉例:

1.Take......for example....拿..來說    例如.

2.A good example of this is...一個很好的例子是...

3.To give an example...舉個例子...

4.I can give a relevant example here..我可以在這裡舉一個相關的例子...

5.Look........for instance.看,比如說

五、Giving an explanation 解釋:

1.Well,the reason is..嗯,原因是...

2.Well,the thing is..,問題是...

3.What I mean is...我的意思是...

4.The reason for this is..其原因是…

六、Asking for help/Asking to repeat something/Asking for an explanation 反問,需要解釋:

1.I am not sure what you meant by..我不知道你說的是什麼意思..

2.Could you please, say that in other words?你能用其他話說明嗎?

3.Could you please,repeat the question?你能重複一下問題嗎?

4.Do you mean......你是說.

5.I am sorry.Could you please,repeat that?我很抱歉,你能重複一遍嗎?

6.I beg your pardon..請你原諒...

7.Could you please repeat that..?你能重複一遍嗎?

8.Could you please explain it to me in another way?你能用另一種方式給我解釋一下嗎?

9.I did not quite get that. Did you mean...?我不太明白,你是說?

七、Self-correcting 自我糾正:

1.I mean...我是說...

2.Or,should I say..或者,我應該說....Or,rather...或者更確切地說..

3..would be more precise.....會更準確...

八、Buying some time/Stalling for time 拖延時間:

1.That's an interesting/difficult/tough question..那是一個有趣/困難/棘手的問題…

2.I have never really thought about it,but..我從來沒有認真想過,但是..

3.I don't know much about it but...我對此不太瞭解,但是...

4.I have not given enough thought on that..我還沒有充分考慮那件事..

5.Well,not sure where should I start..嗯,不知道該從哪裡開始..

九、Commenting on your own ideas 對自己的觀點做出解釋:

1.I know this may sound obvious but..我知道這聽起來很明顯,但是..

2.This may sound strange but..這聽起來可能很奇怪,但是...

3.I am not sure if this is the correct example...我不確定這是否是正確的例子..

4.Strange it may seem but..這看起來很奇怪,但是...

5.I am sorry to have to say this but...很抱歉我不得不這麼說,但是...

6.Though this is very sad,this is the reality...雖然這很悲傷,但這就是現實..

十、Getting to the point 直抒胸臆:

1.To get to the main point...抓住要點..

2.Anyway,to get to the point...不管怎樣,說重點吧....

3.The main point I want to make is that..我想說的要點是...

4.So,to turn to my original point...所以,回到我最初的觀點...

十一、Expressing certainty 表達確定:

1.I am absolutely convinced that..我絕對相信...

2.There is no denying that...不可否認...

3.Nobody will deny that..沒有人會否認這一點。.

4.It is a fact that…事實是…


十二、Introducing other ideas/contrasting ideas 涉入其他觀點:

1.On the other hand.另一方面..On the contrary...正相反...

2.To look at it another way..從另一個角度來看...

3.Then again...還有...

4.From a different perspective....從不同的角度來看...

5.From a different point of view...從不同的視角來看...

十三、Making a complaint or showing frustration about something 對某事表示不滿或沮喪:

1.Can't something be done to/about..不能做點什麼嗎..

2.Forgive me for mentioning it,but..原諒我提到它,但是...

3.It really is terrible/ridiculous that...非常可怕/可笑的是...

4.I wish someone did something about it..我希望有人對此做點什麼...

5.Something ought to be done about it...應該對此採取一些措施...

十四、To interrupt 打斷:

1.Sorry to interrupt..抱歉打擾了..

2.If I may interrupt..如果我可以打斷...

十五、Drawing the conclusion/Ending a point/discussion 結束話題

1.In summary,I can say that...總之,我可以說...

2.So,that's why I think that..所以,這就是為什麼我認為...

3.Anyway,that’s why..不管怎樣,這就是原因…
